Why did Fowles revise The Magus? I loved the original, but was very disappointed with the revised edition, especially the ending. Totally different feel after reading the revised version.

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I think this is a question many ask - and his explanation in the revised version's preface doesn't really work for me. I read the original (bought it from a used bookshop in Asheville, NC actually) and loved it. Read the revised one years later and at first didn't really notice the difference. But then I did - especially the ending. Not as visceral as in the original; too ... considered. Granted, it was his first novel published third ... but if anyone goes back over their younger work and starts editing it - where do you stop? I read through my master's thesis a couple of months ago and I honestly don't recognise the author. Revising it to my current thinking would require an overhaul that renders the original null and void.

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Wonderful documentary on the production of Dark Side is viewable on YouTube. The most remarkable thing to me is that this aural masterpiece was recorded and mixed in the analog days. The band sat at the mixing board, each turning knobs continuously throughout each side of the album in what they deemed a complete, separate performance.

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I will watch that documentary ASAP; didn't know it was out there. The scenes from Live at Pompeii of them recording bits of TDSOTM were always my favourite - I'd had this mental image of their recording studio as incensed-filled, bedecked with tie-dyed tapestries, etc. But the sterility of the studio just hammered it home that it was all in their heads - and that, I think, is beautiful. There seems to be a serious lack of Pink Floyd concert footage (pre-80s) out there for some reason, but this one is TDSOTM played live, though spliced together from various performances around the time of its recording. I guess it's the next best thing to actually having been there. At least you'll remember it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIGuTCY--xc

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