Dec 22, 2022Liked by Bryan Padrick

Refreshing playlist break from the US Christmas staples including and like Santa Baby. Nice compilation. And speaking of.... I love international cooperative art projects and "The Red Ball" is a joy to watch and share. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

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Great looking tree!

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Thanks! We really like this year's tree - no pressure, no effort: just every ornament placed at random. And the kids really got into it, too - which was great!

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Great post! And what a terrific playlist!

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Thanks! And glad you like the playlist - I enjoyed putting it together. Especially the Bach ... just glorious.

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This Christmas, I’m just thankful that Bryan Padrick has not yet asked ChatGPT to write a single thing! I watched the lovely Red Ball video and thought, ChatGPT couldn’t do that! Something tells me you’ll know what I’m going on about, and I know it’s inevitable, since ChatGPT is going to impact learning and that’s your jam, but right now I’m bored with it.

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I love technology - I really do. When I watched Wall Street in 1988 with my dad and that scene where Gordon Gecko is walking on the beach talking on his (enormous - and with radio antennae) cell phone? Wow. That was amazing technology I wanted. I didn't have a cell phone until I moved to the UK in 2002 and the company gave me a Nokia - which was amazing. And my appreciation has only grown - streaming v. CDs/DVDs, etc., photographs on phones that rival (and frequently better) the best SLR cameras, and the opportunity to read anything, anywhere on the device I still refer to as a phone despite barely ever actually calling anyone on it.

But ChatGPT is different. Undeniably, it's amazing technology, but as far as my appreciation, that's the extent. It's a perfect example of why when someone asks 'can we?' someone else should ask 'should we?'

Don't worry - The Bus is ALL human-generated in meat-space. And always will be!

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I’m definitely a meat-space only reader

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Bryan Padrick

You obviously did not attend Mass at Sacred Heart in the 80s. Our priest decided to get back to our religious roots and use unleavened bread made by members of the congregation. While they looked more like cookies, they left congregants wistful for the flattened styrofoam-esque discs!

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I shuddered when I read this!

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