That's PK Dick. From Valis

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People suffering nervous breakdowns often do a lot of research, to find explanations for what they are undergoing. The research, of course, fails. It fails as far as we are concerned, but the unhappy faact is that it sometimes provides a spurious rationalization to the disintegrating mind. The mentally disturbed do not employ the Principle of Scientific Parsimony: the most simple theory to explain a given set of facts. They shoot for the baroque.

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Any chance there is word describing the soft, slightly seersucker-like quality paper takes on when written on?

As an aside, “tardigrades” seem to me like it should refer to something in a Dr. Who episode.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022Author

I imagine there must be a word for it - there's one for everything. And if not in English, probably in German. I'll ask around - hopefully it sounds a bit like the way the paper feels! And, yes - they definitely belong in Dr Who!

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Loved this trip on the bus. Tardigrades look like Marty McFly’s alien costume from BTTF. Loved also the convenient divergence from khakistocracy : rule by khaki wearers (the military, not middle aged dads at picnics!)

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From the photographic evidence of the garden parties, it appears the current Government may be both a kakistocracy AND a khakistocracy (the picnic version, of course)!

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