Jun 19Liked by Bryan Padrick

Thanks, Bryan! I try to read at least some of Meditations a few times a year. I think the older I get, the more Stoic I become. Or at least, want to be.

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I think wanting to be Stoic is a great step towards being Stoic. I think of myself as more Existentialist than Stoic, possibly because I’m drawn to the inherent (positive) resignation of the former. But dipping into the Meditations on occasion is always an education. Glad you enjoyed the post!

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Good stuff Bryan. I’m a little too skeptical of my own intellectual coherence to think that I live by a philosophy … but if I did, it would be stoicism. When I saw this was your subject today, I was intrigued to see your playlist … alas! No stoic songs.

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If I had to pick a philosophy, it’s Existentialism, though my adherence to that school is very loose. I enjoy dipping into Stoicism now and then (usually then, as now seems pretty busy) and always feel I’ve learned something new. Sorry about the lack of Stoic tracks - I started down that track, but time ran out and this playlist had been on deck for a long time!

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Bryan Padrick

Thanks so much, Bryan, for driving by in The Bus, and picking FRONT ROW & BACKSTAGE up at the corner! Much appreciated! Donnie Iris is a fascinating enigma of a pop star, and "Ah! Leah!" is a delicious slice of Earworm pie, no doubt! Steve's always-engaging Earworms & Song Loops is one of my few "must-read" newsletters....not only is he pulling out the cool'n'catchy songs, but he's got his real-life personal stories attached, and always with his unique sense of humor!

FR&B has been known to zero in on the little-heard, forgotten, and big-time hits, too, as I know you know, Bryan! Thanks so much, again, for (as Lionel Hampton would say) the "good vibes"! BTW, Bryan, you know you're more than welcome to take a turn with us in the Tune Tag arena! Just DM me your first song/artist (anyone/anything!), and I'll DM you back some brief info and my first song! Cheers! Brad

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You're very welcome, Brad! FR&B is one of my favourite reads - as is Steve's Earworms & Song Loops. And, you know, I'd love to do a Tune Tag with you! I'll DM you!

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