
Glad you liked the suggestion, Liz! I wasn't aware it was out of print - I've checked Amazon here, too - and it only looks like used (rather expensive) copies are available. I thought there might be a copy at Powells.com (don't know if you've ever ordered anything from that Portland, OR - based bookstore - it's amazing and they ship everywhere) but there's nothing. I misplaced my copy years ago and was going to get a copy when I'm back in the States this summer. Guess it'll be more of a search than I intended! I'll let you know if I find a source!

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Jun 25Liked by Bryan Padrick

Thanks again, Bryan! “Been Down So Long” was one of the books I loved most during freshman year in college. I wanted to be Gnossos; started carrying silver dollars and even managed to dip some cigarettes in paregoric (don’t try this at home, kids), but while the affectations didn’t last long, Farina’s writing did. I don’t know if I’d enjoy the book as much now, but I cherish the memory.

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Very glad you liked this! It was one I picked up after getting into Pynchon. I'm not sure if I'd appreciate it as much now, though - but it was great during college! And cigarettes dipped in paregoric ... nice?!

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Jun 25Liked by Bryan Padrick

Adding this one to my list of books to read in 2024 list, too. Thanks, Bryan! Any thoughts on where I can purchase a copy? A quick look at Amazon and B&N shows that it's not available from them. Will definitely check our local indie bookstore tomorrow, too.

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I've been completely ignorant of Richard Fariña my whole life. So thanks for this important history lesson! I'll take some time to listen to the tracks you shared and I've added his book to my (lengthy) "books to check out" list. Man, that mid-California coastline has taken far too many greats from us. I don't like to drive down to Big Sur anymore because of it (I'm in Oakland).

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