
Thanks! I read about this years ago and a few days ago it popped up again in my head - I thought it would make a good topic. As for the mummies ... it seems there was an almost endless supply, to the degree they were shipped in 'boat loads' - despite (in the late 19th C) it being nominally illegal - to Europe and even burned to fuel steam trains and boats. Though interest in mummies began to decline in the late 18th century, when Napoleon invaded Egypt and all things Egyptian became the fad, they suddenly became an obsession again. Anyone who was anyone wanted a mummy - and 'unwrapping parties' became a big deal: 'Come for dinner and a few clarets and afterwards we shall unwrap the mummy I just procured.' Imagine the version today ....

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Wow... you just never know what you will find here... this is incredibly interesting. I find myself wondering how the mummy supply was obtained though... did I miss something?

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