Meemaw's stuffing sounds delightful! I have not heard of using boiled eggs in the mix. I like the suggestion. My vegetarian stuffing is awfully drab in comparison - but with wife and daughter on board that wagon.....

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It's an amazing dish. Evidently it was invented by her mother and then just tweaked every time it was made. And I feel you on the vegetarian thing - I've never made it here in England as I'm the only one who would eat it in my family. Unfortunately, it will be six years this Christmas since I last ate any .... I have thought of trying to create a vegetarian version, but like most such things the flavour will be where it falls flat!

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Wow, delicious - thanks for the recipe! And I love the US English culinary terms.

What you call 'biscuits' we call 'scones', and what you call 'dressing' is what we call 'stuffing'. 'Dressing' is what we put onto salad, like a vinaigrette or something. My S-i-L is from the central US, and when she told us one Christmas that she was going to make some cornbread dressing I had no clue how she'd be able to drizzle it out of the serving bottle.... Glad I kept quiet in the end! It was very tasty alongside our turkey.

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Thanks! I hope you're able to try it out at some point! And the US/English language thing can be a challenge. I've lived in England for over 20 years and I teach - so I've got to be sure to use the correct word (and pronunciation) at all times. If only to keep the kids from laughing. I mean, I wouldn't want to spill coffee on myself and say I spoilt my pants!

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Loved the video and the odd-ball, old-timely tunes.

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Glad you liked it - the tracks were fun to hunt down. I really didn't like that music as a kid (and don't really now), but the certainly set a tone!

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Very interesting! Homemade dressing is a favorite here as well, but we use lots of mashed potatoes in addition to breadcrumbs. We do use an egg but it's raw and mixed in with everything and it's baked. Tasty newsletter.

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Thanks! Mashed potatoes sound like an interesting addition - the biscuits almost take on that sort of texture anyway by the time the stock is added, so it might just work for this, too. Glad you liked it!

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