Apr 17, 2023Liked by Bryan Padrick

Is suspension of disbelief the binding agent between Coleridge and King? I read an interview with Stephen King many years ago in which he said one of the keys to the success of his writing is that everyone knows there are no monsters under the bed, but everyone also knows if you keep your feet under the sheets they are not out there for a monster to grab.

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by Bryan Padrick

I was all doped up on Coleridge (and a more or less decennial reread of De Quincey's Opium Eater) when i hit that prog-rock sampling. Ouch's all i'm saying, bro. & o, but there is something deeply, unforgivably wrong with 'Phil Collins-fronted Genesis.'


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I've only heard of Coleridge, but never knew much about him. As with most in that time period, he had a very interesting background.

I've read "On Writing" a couple of times and try to make it a yearly event. To me, it's King's greatest work and I've always found his advice (even though I don't agree with all of it) to be invaluable when it comes to writing. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Great post!

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Another great journey on The Bus, Bryan - thank you!

I'm around halfway through 'On Writing', which I'm enjoying immensely - I'm learning loads! I came across something in it over the weekend that really touched a nerve - I'm not sure whether it's something I disagree with King on, or whether it's something he's challenging me to weigh up in order that I start to see it another way. Anyway, a great read! I love that it's an instruction manual in reading-book format - it's very accessible.

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