Well yours is much better! The prize is you in NC! Looking forward to the next gathering.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Bryan Padrick

I also add that I love Finleigh's art!

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Thanks - he was pleased I chose it! He's done several - we have a whole assortment of spray paints now and canvases dotted around the place. Perhaps he'll be the next Banksy and then we can retire!

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Bryan Padrick

Bryan - that first exquisite words sentence challenge with four was daunting. Since you did not receive any submittals for round one I am compelled to put something out there for round two. You know I am more of a fractals guy than language guy. Given that... here goes... The American Thanksgiving experience qualia vary widely as they are rooted in the host's and their guests' hacceity of the occasion - scents, color, invocation and order all contributing to the reincarnation of the grandest homage to nihil ex nihilo fit. Cheers!

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Great effort! You win whatever prize I'll come up with next time I'm in NC! The words certainly don't lend themselves to usage (I've only ever used them as standalone ideas, never together), but that doesn't mean you can't try. Here's mine ... 'Proof qualia exist: though at the table each person's experience is unique, we all understand that it is Thanksgiving's hacceity (overindulgence with family) that inevitably leads to some level of conflict - after all, nihil ex nihilo fit'!

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Hi Bryan, well, I don't like your three words for today as they are not words I will ever use! However, here's a new word I just learned, and I can use it every day because it applies to so many people, especially people my age: Valetudinarian. At first I thought it was some combination of valedictorian and veterinarian...but no, not related to either. A useful word, however. And THANKS for your fond remembrance of Highland Books. It's been exactly 7 years since we retired; hard to believe!

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Love that word - valetudinarian! Very appropriate for those (of us) of a certain age ... And you really need to know that the original (and that's an important distinction as it's no longer the same) Highland Books was (and remains) my favourite bookstore of all time. And that list includes Blackwell's in Oxford, the Gothic Bookshop at Duke, Munro's in Victoria and the Alexander Book Company in San Francisco (not to name-drop, but I visit bookstores everywhere I go and always compare them to yours). From the Hardy Boys to every hardback Stephen King novel on release, my purchase of Infinite Jest and a willingness to order anything I ever wanted without blinking an eye (much less Cindy's suggestions of books that weren't displayed) - Highland Books was as formative in my life as any class I ever took. Thanks to you and Tim for creating such an oasis!

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I would need to adopt Thomas Wolfe's writing style to add today's vocabulary list to a sentence!

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I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible! Even for Thomas Wolfe ... possibly David Foster Wallace, but then no one but me would read it!

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Love the word… hacceity…..and love the planet by Finleigh! X

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