Jun 23Liked by Bryan Padrick

Brownies... mmm.

And I even had one at the Moosewood once.

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So ... how was the brownie? And, I have to ask, with presumably a wide range of desserts available, why did you choose that one? I mean, there are some brilliant recipes in the various cookbooks. I'm thinking I'd have done the same (especially if it was served warm with vanilla ice cream), but it would have been a tough decision!

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Jun 23Liked by Bryan Padrick

This was at least 20 years ago, but I remember the brownie better than I recall the rest of the meal. Ithaca was a one-day visit.

I will often choose the brownie; I love them.

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It’s been way too long since I had a brownie. I’ve been on a fairly limited diet since March (no gluten, added sugar, dairy, alcohol, soy), but I’m adding back in the fun stuff a bit now. Baking is one of my not-so-secret loves, and I’m gonna try your recipe. I have that exact Mollie Kazden Moosewood book (and two of her others) and still use it for my banana bread recipe.

Regarding music, I have written about this before, but I remember seeing Love & Rockets back in the late 80s and the opening band was Janes Addiction. In terms of stage presence and power, L&R were blown out of the water. I still love their albums and many of the member’s solo projects. Enjoying revisiting your old posts. Though getting to them quite slowly….

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I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the old posts - I'm having fun revisiting them myself. My favourite Moosewood book is The Enchanted Broccoli Forest - some great recipes (especially the various pies and breads), but also some really good instructional bits. Good luck adding back some of the 'fun stuff' - I've been cutting out a lot of the same (especially alcohol and sugar) these days and it takes some work.

I can't imagine how Love and Rockets would have satisfied a crowd after a late-80s Jane's Addiction opening. I really like them and 'No New Tale to Tell' is nodding towards genius, but it's no 'Mountain Song'.

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Any recipe that calls for me to blast butter in the microwave is a recipe for me! I’ll try it

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Let me know what you think about it. I was always a fan of the Moosewood recipe, but never thought the chocolate strong enough. 70% is the minimum, I’ve found. I have your sourdough bagel recipe saved, by the way - and am hoping to try it out this summer when I’ve got some down time. I’ve got a steady starter (begun under an apple tree in our backyard a few months ago) which makes some great bread, but bagels haven’t happened just yet!

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Jun 21Liked by Bryan Padrick

Hi Bryan, long time no talk! I don't know exactly why this post caught my eye more than others but I do enjoy a good brownie (and many mediocre ones, to be fair). I didn't realize that Lindt made baking chocolate, I'll have to see if we have it here in Canada. Interesting recco on using dark chocolate in your brownies, I've always used Fry's Premium Cocoa. Hope all's well!

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Hi, Mark! Great to hear from you. I kid you not - I was thinking about the absence of HAT on Friday morning as I was driving to work. I don't know why that popped into my mind, but - hey - even in hiatus you remain topical! I hope things are well with you.

Yes - dark chocolate is essential for brownies, I think. Years of trying to get it 'right' has steered me in that direction and, well, I'm not going back. The Lindt is great, but as it's not inexpensive I'm now using Waitrose's (an upmarket UK grocery chain) Essential baking chocolate - same 70% choc, but at half the price. I'm not sure if we get Fry's over here, but I'll have a look - always up for a new chocolate experience!

Again, it's great to hear from you - thanks for being a Constant Rider!

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Jun 20Liked by Bryan Padrick

Mmm. <Must eat brownie>. I love them too, but need a version with zero calories that tastes just as good and has the same texture. Apart from that, I don’t ask much.

(In reality, I treat myself to one occasionally in our local coffee shop).

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A zero calorie brownie? Would that be an ice cube?

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